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Kromli Gromli

Kromli Gromli

I use a S/S(Ninja) Flayer Youngling But any of these breeds should do the job H/S, P/S or S/B.

Really you just need your Flayer to be faster than 281.
Given my Ninja is a bit softer than the other workable breeds and can nearly solo the fight, the other 3 breeds listed should do a fair bit better.
Make sure both level 25 pets die for last man standing XP


Pets Used

 Flayer Youngling

Blitz, Deflection & Kick

 Darkmoon Zeppelin

Missile, Explode & Decoy


How to

For Kromli, use Deflection when ever Rupture is up, Kick when ever it's up as long as 1, Rupture is not up and 2, if the next Blitz will kill him and 3, if he's not using Dreadful Breath.
For Gromli, always use Deflection when Haymaker is up and always Kick on the round after the Haymaker stun, for eg Deflection, Blitz then Kick.


So Start with Kick, then Deflection, then follow the above rules.
Eventually late in the Gromli stage your Flayer will die. Switch in Zeepelin and Decoy if Haymaker is up. Explode if health is lower than 618.
Level pet gets default XP for last man standing.


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